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Stop Dog Barking: Discover How To Make Your Family Pet Do What You Want The First Time

October 5, 2012

It is important to commit to effectively training your dog. Having a dog that’s happy to do what you say, is a great thing. This article can help you learn more about the importance of canine training to stop dog barking.

You will find dogs are simply dogs. Allow for activities that let him be himself and have fun. Dogs need an appropriate diet, a place to run out their energy and lots of ways to keep busy.

Try using a crate if you’re house training a dog. To make crate training work, make sure you take your dog out often and on a stable schedule. Soon you’ll find that your crate-trained dog will have learned to avoid inside accidents.

Teach everyone in your family to use the same commands to train your pup to stop dog barking. Make sure everyone is on the same page with command words; if the command for being quiet is “quiet,” don’t let anyone use “stop barking.” If all members of the family use the same commands, training your dog will be much more easier.

An example of shaping would be to teach him to hold his favorite toy in his teeth. Whenever the dog puts his mouth on the toy, immediately sound your clicker and reward him with a treat. After several repetitions of this, wait for him to put it in his mouth. When he does respond, click and provide a reward. Next, only give him a reward if he holds the toy using his mouth.

You may have to employ the help of animal-loving friends who understand that a dog cannot help his behavior without help from the people around him! Many problems like unprovoked aggression towards types of people or barking at home must be mediated by recreating the situation and providing positive experiences to shape behavior. Your animal-loving friends will be invaluable help in recreating types of trigger situations for your dog. Check with your trainer to ensure proper safety measures are taken for each type of behavior you’re shaping.

Your dog should be eating the right amount of healthy food. A poor diet is bad for your dog on several levels. It can damage your dog’s health and affect their behavior. Feeding your dog quality food can greatly affect what you accomplish during training sessions.

It is critical that you teach your dog the difference between correct and incorrect behaviors. This demands that everyone at your home applies strict boundaries. Any inconsistency by others in applying the rules you have trained your dog to follow will undo your hard work.

Do not let the pressures of your day or life influence how you speak to your dog when you are training. If the dog has done nothing wrong, then it should not be treated as such.

To stop dog barking, teach them to obey a simple order that will make them quiet. When your dog barks, show them a treat and repeat the order, for instance ‘be quiet’ until it stops barking. You can then give it the treat. If you repeat this long enough, your dog will associate the treat and then the order with being quiet.

When dogs bite, it is usually from fear. The dog will feel fear if it is startled, trapped or feels threatened. Don’t ever force your dog to do something. Training a dog takes time and patience. If you do, you may easily be bitten by your dog. If your dog trusts you, he will want to make you happy and look towards you as a leader.

If at all possible, training your dog to stop dog barking should really begin as a puppy. The younger the dog, the better he will do when it comes to training. If you train your dog at a young age, he will be sure to grow up behaving in a good and respectful manner.

When you have an untrained dog, you risk both your sanity and your belongings. With this advice you should be able to get your dog under control.

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